Types of Movies
There are many different types of movies and they all consist of different genres. A genre is a category in which something is held and is categorized by similarities in form, style, and subject matter. There are such a wide variety of genres, from romantic comedies to science fiction to horror. I’m here to explain them and to clarify exactly what each of them are.
Comedy is a fiction genre that was of works to be humorous and to give laughter. Comedy dramatic performance most of the time,usually influenced by theatre, movies, and shows.
Some of the social functions include
- Comedy influences audiences by entertaining and making them happy.
- Influences audience to laugh and have a good time, which is why most directors create this type of film in the first place.
- Made to brighten a viewers’ spirit
The genre horror consists of suspenseful plot driven stories. They usually open with an action scene and we’re introduced to our hero and villain. You have the usual suspenseful music played during those scenes. The main character has to face death, if it is his or herself, beloved to them. There’s a desire for justice Protagonist striving to get to the bottom of the case. The setting may be placed in suburbs or in a normal town where nothing is expected to go wrong. The antagonist may have a personal issue with the protagonist. The protagonist follows the clues left by the villain which lead to protagonist falling into antagonist’s trap, leading to a battle between the two.
Some specific types of characters include:
- Villain and/or Killer
- Lots of clues throughout film
- Basic witty teenager who runs toward danger (usually trips)
- Authority comes in to help victim or they could be in cahoots with the killer.
Some techniques used are:
- Loud and frightening music to cause suspense through film
- Hand held shots are used to give a sense of reality or make us feel like we really are in the movie
- Scene is set with certain elements ( fog, dark areas,shadows)
- Jump scares used throughout film and mirrors as well
- High angle shots are used to make whoever is being looked down upon powerless
- Close up shots are used to solely provide a ‘closer look’ at the actors emotional response to whatever may be going down.
Romantic Comedy
Romantic comedies is a movie or play that deals with love is a light, humorous way. This type of genre in a film is generally lighthearted and is, at its core, any film where the primary source of comic tension is a central love connection. Two romantic interests and their relationship is tested.
Some of the social functions include:
- Common Theme- love will always prevail
- Love will make it through all obstacles and heartbreak
- Two young, likable characters who are ‘destined’ for each other but are torn away for some reason but they rewrite with a happy ending
- When separated they realized how much they need each other, and that love is real
Crime detective- investigation of crime (murder). There are many pots elements to this genre. A crime. A morally upright, intelligent, and isolated protagonist who often has a personal interest in the case. A villain, often physically as well as metaphorically ugly and/or deformed. Clues or false clues that lead to solving the crime. These seem difficult to see but when revealed seem obvious. Danger must be faced by hero. Satisfactory resolution where justice is served and all is right. Ethical decisions and a moral message.
Specific types of characters include:
- Solvers of crime
- Committer of crime
- Victims
Some regularly used camera techniques are:
- High angle shots
- Low angle shots
- Close up/ Extreme close ups
- Dolly
- Headshot
The social functions of crime
- Gives audiences ability to process emotions as if they were actually there
- Gives audience a feel that whatever happens will happen to them
Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)
Science fiction is a widely used genre in movies with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life.
Specific character types:
- Shadowy/Mysterious villain
- Lonely determined hero
- Groups of friends (heroes)
- The switch up/ person who ends up betraying everyone
- Supernatural beings
Editing techniques:
- VFX (visual effects)
- Fast shutter effects
- Forced perspective
- Wide angle shot/Long angle shot
- Strong contrast in light and cooler toned colors
The social functions of sci-fi:
- The purpose of science fiction is to bring up technology advancements in society and how they can be good or bad.
- Majority of the time technology shown in sci fi are pure predictions for how things might look in the future, but on some rare occasions they are used as a guide or inspiration in technological development
- On some occasions they were used to speak about the political issues that were going on during the time they came out.
Some of the plot elements in sci-fi:
- Dystopia
- Advanced technology/ society
- The future
- Outer space
- Set in different worlds
- A sense of evil
Drama is a type of genre that can consist of many other genres. They're plot driven and demand that every character and scene move forward. Dramas follow a clearly defined narrative plot structure, portraying real life scenarios or extreme situations with emotionally driven characters.
Kinds of characters are:
- Protagonist
- Antagonist
- Deuteragonist
- Tertiary
- Confidant
- Love Interest
- Foil
Conventions of a drama include:
- Costume
- Props
- Lighting
- Makeup
- Setting
Camera and lighting techniques of drama are:
- Dull lighting
- Close up of characters
- Low angle and high angle shots- to portray strength and weakness amongst characters
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