Types of Shots and Angles
There are many different parts of cinematography and how a film is structed visually. One of those ways can be camera work that show different shots and angles.
Extreme Long Shot
A shot that typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. This sets the setting for a scene and can be used to connect a character to a place.
Medium Shot
A shot used to emphasize both the actor and their surroundings by giving them an equal presence on screen. This shot focuses on the character and their emotions while also continuing to show some of the environment.
Extreme Close-Up
A shot showing small details of its subject, so much so, that the outer portions of the subject are cut off by the edges of the frame. This is meant to show a character’s emotions.
Long Shot
A shot that shows the entire object or person and their relation to what surrounds them. This is to set the scene and bring importance to the subject.
Medium Close-Up
A shot in which the subject is framed from just above their head until the middle of their torso. The purpose of this is to allow you to connect with the character through facial expressions.
Medium Long Shot
Showing the subject from the knees up. Used when you need to see the character, but really in the context of the location or setting. Helps the audience feel as though they are there without making them feel uncomfortably close to the action.
Close Up
Fills the screen with the subject’s face. This is meant to show a character’s reaction in sense.
High Angle Shot
A shot that is above the subject looking down at an angle. This is meant to show that the person is weak and lacks importance.
Low Angle Shot
A shot that is taken from the bottom of a subject looking up at an angle. It’s meant to the character look more important, strong, or larger.
Straight Angles/ Tilted Angles
Straight angles are the basic shots that points ahead at the same level towards the character’s head. Tilted angle also known as the dutch angle is a type of camera shot that involves setting the camera at an angle on its roll axis so that it gives off a tilted look. The purpose of these shots are to let the viewer follow the actions without manipulating their emotions.
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